Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Student Project - Creating an Internet Safety/Software Piracy PSA

One of the urgent needs that we have in our district is to better educate our students (and teachers for that matter) about internet safety and software piracy. During one of my sessions at the High Tech High summer institute an idea started to take hold. What if we let a group of students make a PSA (Public Service Announcement) about these topics? As I continued to ponder this idea and how the project may work I came up with the following stipulations for the project:
1) The group would consist of 3-5 students.
2) The group would be pulled from the list of students who violated the AUP last year.
3) The PSA should be 7-10 minutes long.
4) They can use any type of video technology/software we have available to them
5) The content must be appropriate for their peers in grades 5-12

I would love to try to do this project at some point this summer. The idea being that we can use this video as the starting point for internet safety training throughout our district.

What do you think the outcome would be based on the above description?
What would you change about the idea?

Please post comments, or call and leave me an comment at 206-666-3647.


  1. Clarification: The 206-666-3647 number is not my new cell phone number. I set it up through It is a free service that gives you the ability to have voicemail emailed to you as an audio attachment. At High Tech High it was used as a reflection tool and a way to make a connection with each student through their reflection.

  2. I think it would be interesting to have the kids research recent legal rulings for those that violate software piracy laws and report them to the other students. Sometimes that hits home...

  3. How about a competition to produce a 60 second TV PSA (or a series of PSAs) and run them on the student news services (during ch1) at each campus? Students and staff could then vote on them, and winner (or perhaps the top 3) could be posted on the BISD webpage, posted on YouTube, or even run on local TV.
