Thursday, January 19, 2012

Apple Education Event Summary

Here are my notes from the Apple Event (from twitter/liveblogs):

New Book Experience
  • iBooks 2 App - awesome new reading/interactivity options
  • iBook Author App (for the Mac) - easy to use tool for creating these new books (comes with templates)
  • Both of these are free
  • Textbook Store now in the iBooks Store (broken down by grade and subject)
  • Books will be $14.99, owned forever, and continuously updated (may be re-downloaded from the cloud at any time)
  • Pearson has two books available today
  • McGraw Hill has five books available today
iTunes U
  • iTunes U has a new app
  • Features include the ability to create online courses
  • Hundreds of online courses already available from Duke, Yale, Stanford, MIT and others
  • K-12 Institutions can sign up as an institution for free starting today
Lots to think about!

The iBooks 2 App is an update to the existing iBooks app.  All three new apps iBooks 2, iBook Author, and iTunes U are all available now!