Thursday, November 3, 2011
iOS Management Webinar #edtech
Storytelling - Dean Shareski
The Truth About Stories on Prezi
He had our group do a couple of activities that I enjoyed, and I was able to do them on my iPad which was great. They would be perfect for showing how easy it is to create on an iPad! The first activity was to create image depicting what we think learning is. Here was my image:
What I loved about this activity was that Dean had us all email our images to him. And then he created a slide show of all the pictures on his iPad. He set the slides to change after 20 seconds, and then he hit play. When your image was shown you had 20 seconds to explain it. I believe he said this process was based on the Pecha Kucha presentation style. It was a great way to quickly see and hear what everyone was thinking.
The other activity was called a six word story. You can find some samples of these here at Ben Grey's (@bengrey) wiki. The idea was to end up with six words that tell the story of an image. Dean said we could either chose the story first and then find a good image to go with the story, or start with the image and then create the story. Here was my first six word story:
For both of these activities we used to search for creative commons images on flickr. On the iPad we saved the image into the camera roll and then used the Fotolr app to add the text.